Thursday, May 26, 2016

Homemade Bubble Bath with Essential Oils

I thought I would share a super simple recipe for homemade bubble bath that I have been using recently. Most bubble baths available in the store are full of harsh chemicals that are simply not good for you. There are many benefits to making your own products at home, the main one being that you can control what ingredients you come into contact with and filter out any chemicals you're not okay with.

Container(s) to put your bubble bath in - I got mine at Dollarama!
2 parts vegetable glycerin
4 parts castile soap
4 parts distilled water
1 part almond oil (optional)
Essential oil(s) of your choice for scent - make sure they are meant to be used on skin, they're not all equal! (optional - I used lavender)

It's as simple as combining the ingredients, gently stirring, then moving in to your container. If you are using essential oils, please make sure you use a glass or metal container, as plastics and essential oils should not mix. Also, make sure the essential oils you choose are safe to use on your skin - not all are made the same, and some are only meant to be used as a candle alternative.

In the directions I stuck with a ratio, rather than actual measurements, because it doesn't have to be exact. If you want a jumping off point, the first time I made this I did 1/4 cup vegetable glycerin, 1/2 cup castille soap, 1/2 cup distilled water, 1/8 cup almond oil, and 20 drops essential oil; this yielded about two of the bottles I pictured.

That's it! When you go to use your bubble bath, gently roll the container to help disperse the ingredients, as it will settle a bit when left to sit. Don't shake vigorously, though; it will get super bubbly!

Have you ever made your own bubble bath? Would you add or remove anything? What scent would you like to try?

P.S. If you would like to know what essential oils I like to use, or if you have any questions, please send me an email to!

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. Thank you for supporting brands that support Sweet Spontaneity!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Jon Bryant at the Bassment with special guest Kristan Couture

Definitely not the best quality photo, but pretty great for an iPhone in the Bassment!

Last night Daniel and I went to the Bassment to see Jon Bryant perform. We went to see him last time he was in Saskatoon because Daniel's sister had invited us, and we were so glad she did! Since we enjoyed it so much last time, we definitely wanted to go again.

We really enjoyed both performances. It was particularly neat to see Kristan Couture open the show, because I knew her a little when we were young girls.

Jon Bryant gives off an easygoing feel while on stage, and comes across as very personable. His maritime roots (Halifax, NS) show in both his music and his demeanor, which is what I am pretty sure I am really drawn to. He reminds me of when I lived in Halifax and the people I met would bring me to house concerts and jam sessions in old yoga studios. At one point he even came out into the audience and then, when he finished the song, rolled with it and hung out with the crowd for a bit during the next song. Simply put, he's super chill.

Have you ever seen Jon Bryant perform? Do you like his music? What was the last live performance you went to?

Please note: I am not a music critic, and I am definitely not musically trained. I am just sharing about something I experienced.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

May Long

This past weekend was a long weekend in Canada, with Monday being Victoria Day, celebrating the birthday of the late Queen Victoria.

My weekend was pretty relaxed, which was great. My fiancé (still feels weird to call him that!) and I drove out to Bruno, SK for the Commissioning Mass and celebration at St. Therese Institute on Saturday. Daniel's sister was in the program these past nine months, so lots of his family came out to celebrate with her.

I have visited St. Therese quite a few times over the past few years. The first time ever was for a retreat with Catholic Christian Outreach in the fall of 2011. I went to school prior to this in Muenster, SK for my first year of university and it is super close to Bruno, but I had never visited before! Then my next few visits were to see Amanda while she attended the program two years in a row. And, most recently, Daniel and I made a trip up to see his sister in Bruno before heading to St. Pete's for a visit.

On Sunday my cousin Kathleen came in to visit and before she left on Monday, I took her to City Perks. If you've been reading my blog for a while, you know that it's one of my favourite coffee shops in Saskatoon, but Kathleen and I hadn't ever visited together before.

And that's it! It was super relaxing, which was definitely needed. On to the short work week ahead!

How was your weekend? Did you do anything exciting?! :)
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