Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Ottawa Recommendations?

We are heading to Ottawa in September for my cousin's wedding and we are so excited! I have been there a couple times, but only for a few short days and always with a purpose that filled all of my time. So, with that being said, I would love to hear your recommendations for places we must go! I am more looking for restaurants, pubs, coffee shops, and bakeries, but all suggestions for what to do/see/eat are welcome! You can comment here, send me an e-mail (, tweet me, or let me know on Instagram!

P.S. The photo above is from my first trip to Ottawa in October 2013. You can't really tell, but all those people behind me? They're dressed as zombies. My first visit to Parliament was made all that much more interesting by the Zombie Walk that I had absolutely no idea was going to take place until I was walking out of the building and down the steps and saw all of these terrifying people coming towards me. Thankfully I don't watch many zombie movies or shows, or else I would have been terrified!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Finding the Adventure in Day-to-day Life

A photo I snapped while practicing mindfulness as I wandered around London, England.

If you know me well, you know I am one of those people with a case of wanderlust that I just cannot seem to satisfy or shake. I dream of far off places and days spent in different cultures. However, my lifestyle for the past few years has not been very accommodating when it comes to travel and I have found myself mostly Saskatchewan bound. This is not without joy, though. I have chosen to not make a priority of travel at this time, and I am not sitting here feeling trapped in my surroundings, aching to go – even though that would have been me about five years ago.

With less traveling I have really come to love where I live, and while I still wouldn’t call myself a homebody, I do enjoy being here. I have found that not knowing where my next adventure will lead me or when it will happen has helped me to find the adventure in my day-to-day life.  Surprisingly enough, I chose that as my blog tagline long before I think I actually knew what it meant. It wasn’t until recently that I started enjoying the beautiful melody of the birds chirping in the fresh morning air, or the softly fragranced breeze while walking near a garden.

Something that has kept crossing my mind lately is to be more intentional about these moments. To really be aware of the beauty surrounding me, instead of yearning for someplace else. One of my favourite things about being in Rome is wandering the streets early in the morning, before many people are up and about; the dewy air starting to dissipate with the sunshine sneaking between buildings as it continues to rise and awaken the city with it. Everything is fresh, everything is quiet, and, most importantly, I notice all of this. I cannot tell you the number of times I have been walking to work in the morning with a very similar situation going on around me, only to quickly pass it all and get in to the building that I work in. Lately, though, I have noticed the birds, I have noticed the rising sun, I have noticed the fresh, sweetly scented air, and you know what? It is amazing! The peace and calm that the 30 seconds of being mindful brings to me is worth so much I cannot even compare. Yes, being in Rome or another far-off place is wonderful and beautiful and it is extremely important to be mindful there too, but imagine how happy I would be if I allowed myself to have that same mindset everyday, all day while at home? It brings me so much joy just imagining the possibility!

What is something in your everyday that you find extremely beautiful or that reaches a special place in your heart, but you tend to take for granted? Have you ever intentionally practiced this kind of mindfulness, or is this how you have always lived? (Teach me your ways!) Please share a moment like this – big or small, I would really appreciate hearing about it!
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