Wednesday, November 12, 2014

What To Do With Time Off From Work

You guys, I actually feel like a grown up. I have my first full, week-long break from work. I took Annual Leave and am away from the office for 9 days straight. I've been in an "adult" job since I came back from living in Halifax during the summer after finishing my degree in 2012, but this is the first time that I've taken a real break from work. Sure, I take days here and there; tack on an extra day on either side of a long-weekend or take that Friday between a statutory holiday and the weekend, but I have never taken a full week off. Granted, I am really only taking three Annual Leave days because yesterday was a Stat Holiday and Friday is my EDO, but still. A WHOLE WEEK OFF!

In the time leading up to my week off the top question I was asked was some form of "What are your plans for your week off?" My answer? Absolutely nothing. I had ideas. I thought I might disappear for a few days, or take my time to visit those new places that have seemed to creep up while I was too preoccupied with my daily grind. I knew I'd manage to meet up with friends or spend time with my roommate. As for definitive, invested plans, though, I had nothing on the go.

This could be seen as a poor use of time, but I just needed the rest. It's only Wednesday and I am already feeling so revived. It's beautiful. Some of my favourite things about unscheduled time off?

1. Being able to sleep in as late as I would like. I don't really sleep in anyway, but when I tell myself that I am allowed to I just wake up so much more happy, even if it's at the exact same time I would have woken up at on a regular week day.

2. The lazy pace of my mornings. I want to sit in bed and read blogs for 4 hours? That's totally fine! I want to enjoy a cup of tea while watching Netflix? Go for it! My mornings can go at whatever pace I would like.

3. The opportunity to be spontaneous. I'm not that naturally spontaneous. I tend to schedule time for spontaneity (it makes sense, I swear). During this week, though, I can do whatever, whenever and actually be truly spontaneous. (If I want.)

To be honest, there are so many other things that make time off so wonderful (obviously), but I'm much more interested in hearing how YOU like to spend time off from work. What would you/do you do with a week off from work?

1 comment:

  1. hi dear,thanks for sharing these tips..
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