Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Lent 2017

I have spent quite a bit of time preparing for Lent this year, which has made me really excited for it. Lent is a time to prepare for the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. It is a time when people frequently “give up” something for the duration of the 40 days of Lent. I think it is really important to observe some sort of fasting, but this is also a time that we can focus on “taking up” something. Both are ways of being intentional about deepening our relationship with Christ, and together they help to achieve balance.

This Lent, I have a lot of things that I am planning on doing. I’m worried I might be overly ambitious, but I plan on giving it my best shot.

Ok, so here is my plan!

Blessed is She Lenten Journal
Blessed is She is a Catholic website for women that shares daily devotions and blog posts, and they help to foster Catholic community by hosting retreats, helping to organize local brunches, and by being a place for Catholic women to connect with each other. They have a shop with some beautiful items and they produce a journal for Lent and for Advent. My sisters-in-law went through the Advent one and shared about their wonderful experiences with it, so I really wanted to give the Lenten one a try. I’m really looking forward to it!

Regular Exercise
I kind of always have this as a goal, but I rarely achieve it. I am thinking that I can make this part of my morning routine: get up early to pray, journal, and exercise. Instead of this purely being a physical goal, I want make it part of my Lenten observation. When it’s tough to get out of bed in the morning and I’m faced with the choice to stay comfy and cozy or get moving, I can offer the sacrifice up as a prayer.

Passing on Alcohol, Soda, and Juice
I definitely enjoy a glass of wine here and there, and, while I don’t drink them often, both soda and juice are things I enjoy too. I’ll opt for water instead throughout Lent.

I have some other smaller things that I am planning on being more mindful for, but there is no distinct line or goal (cut back on coffees out, pack lunches most days, fast more often, avoiding extravagance, being more generous, praying with my husband more), so the above three things are my main focus.

If you’re willing to share, what are you planning on doing for Lent?

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