If you follow me on Instagram (if you're not, you should! @sweetspontaneity), you would have seen that I set myself a challenge at the beginning of Advent in order to help immerse myself in the journey of preparing for Christmas. A few weeks before Advent began, I came across the hashtag #NarrativeOfJoy, which is mainly used by @rachnotes_ on Instagram. Her words are always so beautiful and they inspired me to be intentional about noticing and seeking out the joy within my own life. All too often, I find that at the end of the day all that I am seeing when I look back on my day is the negative. It's all to easy to list off the things that went wrong and have an internal dialogue of complaints, but I want it to be different. I want my default to be one of gratitude and joy. So, my challenge is to reframe my day. To seek out those little joyful moments that bring my heart such warmth. Now that I am done my finals for the semester, I am hoping that I will post these moments more frequently. I'll provide a full reflection around Christmastime, but I am already noticing the beauty of this exercise working on my heart.
I've shared a couple of my joyful moments here, but click on over to my Instagram to see the rest.
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