Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Making Difficult Decisions

Sometimes we're forced to choose, and the choice really isn't that easy. (Well duh, Sarah). Sometimes you'd really rather go with none of the options available to you, yet you must pick one - the lesser of two headaches, if you will. Your mind is screaming at you to run away, find another option, make adjustments or sacrifices in your life to be able to create this new, wonderful, shining option, but you can't. You have to pick. And you have to pick soon. How do you do it?

I find that it comes down to figuring out your priorities. Even if you find yourself faced with two or more options that don't really seem like options at all, you can identify your priorities and let that be your decision making tool. Do you value peace of mind, financial stability, relational harmony, freedom, space, etc.? Figuring out what is most important to you and then applying that to your situation will help you come to understand which of the options available to you is in your best interest. Yes, all of these things may be important to you, but sometimes you have to figure out what is most important for you at that exact moment, in that exact situation. 

How do you make decisions when you don't have a clear, or an "easy" option?


  1. For me personally I have to talk it out with the most important people in my life which is my husband, parents and sister. When I get their take on the situation I usually know which way I'm leaning and what I should do!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

    1. Oh yes! Externally processing is always good too :)

  2. Totally agree with Biana - I just talk and talk and talk about it some more. Making tough decisions is not fun so I feel for you! Hopefully you can figure something out soon :)

    1. Yeah it's not too fun! I've had a lot of friends come to me with decisions like this lately, where they don't have the "easy" option available, and it got me thinking so much I decided to write this!

  3. Sometimes I flip a coin. And often times, it isn't until the coin is in the air that I find myself hoping it will land on a particular side. :)
    Randi with an i


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