Thursday, September 24, 2015

At The Moment

Welcome to a little update on my life. I am hoping to do posts like these from time to time that highlight what I've been reading, watching, doing, and dreaming lately. I hope you enjoy this first one!

Reading: This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Watching: Say Yes to the Dress marathons while I was sick, the Canadian Leader's Debate, anthing on HGTV (so enjoying having cable now that I'm at home with mom and dad)

Eating: Quinoa salad - would you want a recipe?!

Drinking: Salted Caramel Mocha from Starbucks (of course)

Enjoying: Walking along the river on my lunch breaks while the weather is still beautiful

Appreciating: All the wonderful people in my life, and that super crisp fall air that smells so wonderful. You know, that air that smells a tiny bit cold, but you're standing in the sun, so you feel great.

Dreaming: About traveling to Italy. Or Ireland. Or England. Or anywhere, really.

What have you been up to lately?

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Girls Day

Last weekend my friend Sylvia and I got together for a girls day. We don't get to spend a lot of time together, so when Sylvia got in touch and asked if I'd like to join her for a manicure and a pedicure I of course said "Yes!"

We met up at 10 am to be pampered and spent a couple hours catching up, talking about her pregnancy, the sex of her baby, and the wonderful men in our lives, among many other things. The time went quickly and we were super impressed with the girls at Sunsera on 22nd St. W. in Saskatoon.

After our pampering morning, we had plans to go for lunch. I had been thinking of taking Sylvia to Capanna Pizzeria (always a favourite of mine), but since she's pregnant I figured I should ask where she would like to go (in case there was a super strong craving present lol). All she said was "somewhere cool." I know she meant somewhere with an awesome atmosphere, an amazing menu, and somewhere that isn't just the same old restaurant with a different name and a slightly different menu. I knew my original thought of Capanna Pizzeria was the perfect place.

Sylvia is living in a smaller city about an hour away from Saskatoon, so there aren't many new or different restaurants to experience there. She loves trying new and different places, though, so she really enjoyed Capanna!

The menu has changed a bit since I was last at Capanna Pizzeria, and it was even harder to make a decision! Everything sounds so tasty that I just want to try it all! The menu hasn't been updated online to include the pizza Sylvia ordered, but it had pickled onions, beets, peaches (I think?), arugula, and a lovely sauce. I went with the Calabrese Salami, Pickled Pepperoncini, and Provolone pizza. It is quite spicy and absolutely delicious!

After eating we walked back to the car, with a wander through Garden Architecture and bumping into a bubbly acquaintance first. From there we went home decor shopping and it was fun looking at baby and children's decor and dreaming up ways Sylvia could furnish the nursery.

As always, I absolutely recommend trying out Capanna Pizzeria! Have you tried out any unique restaurants lately? Any recommendations - especially in Saskatchewan? Hope to hear from you!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Mid-Week Moving Update

And a photo of the lovely late summer blue sky in Saskatoon while on my lunch break downtown yesterday,
just because it's pretty :)

I started my big move back home on Wednesday evening with a bunch of large pieces of furniture and some bins I managed to pack up on Tuesday night. My dad, my boyfriend, and my boyfriend's cousin all helped out with the moving process. Two trucks, one trailer, and my small SUV were filled up for the first trip and we got a lot of it out of the way - I was so thankful for all of their help!

I kept chipping away at packing and moving after that, but it was mostly smaller items that I was able to handle myself. My dad stopped by Saturday morning for my final bigger items (bed, bed frame, pantry cupboard, and a few more bins). I have to admit, I really procrastinated in getting ready for this move. There was a lot more that could have been prepped and even moved beforehand, but I just wanted to relish those last days in my place without living in chaos. I felt the ramifications the last couple days, though. Saturday wasn't so bad, I got a few more trips in with my vehicle. My cousin that just moved to Saskatchewan came to the city and helped me out a bit, but then we took the evening off to spend time together.  Sunday was crunch time. I still had quite a bit of stuff at my old place, I still had to clean, and when my landlord checked in about timing I realized he was hoping for much earlier than I was planning on for the walk-through and handing over the keys. It turned out that I didn't get to do as thorough of a clean as I had wanted, but I feel ok about it. (I didn't wash all the walls, but they were painted only a year before - I just spot-cleaned where needed; I didn't get to pull out the fridge and stove, but I was able to sweep & vacuum on the sides; I didn't clean the light fixtures and ceiling fans, but I had in March when I was Spring cleaning). With my cousin's help (SO thankful!) and a lot of hard work, we managed to get done a little earlier than my landlord had asked for. He showed up for the walk-through, expressed his gratitude for a job well done, gave me my full damage deposit back, and told me he was sad to see me go (again). I was definitely sad to lose such a great landlord, but hopefully when I move out of my parents' place next time I'll be my own landlord instead :).

Now that step one of moving everything home is done I am on to step two: organizing it all. It's a daunting task! I won't even show you a photo of what my parents' garage looks like; partly because it's terrifying, and partly because I don't have a photo and I'm writing this at a coffee shop so I can't get one. Sure, some things just pop right back in where they were before I moved, but I accumulated a lot when I moved in order to set up my entire house. It's no easy feat trying to fit an entire home into an already existing home, but we're managing to do it! I'm still working on the bins, bags, and suitcases that were placed in my room, and it's coming along. Soon I'll be able to more seriously tackle the items that were from elsewhere in my rental. Dad helped me to set up my living room almost exactly as it was before I moved in the basement, giving me my own living area outside of my room. I really am thankful for how amazing my parents are, they're making a tough situation so seamless and comfortable. Just as it's not the easiest or most pleasing idea to move in with your parents after you've been gone for a year, it's probably just as difficult to have your adult daughter move back in with you once you've settled into a different routine and made use of your newly found space.

Now - off to organize some more! What have you been up to this week?
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