Sunday, September 20, 2015

Girls Day

Last weekend my friend Sylvia and I got together for a girls day. We don't get to spend a lot of time together, so when Sylvia got in touch and asked if I'd like to join her for a manicure and a pedicure I of course said "Yes!"

We met up at 10 am to be pampered and spent a couple hours catching up, talking about her pregnancy, the sex of her baby, and the wonderful men in our lives, among many other things. The time went quickly and we were super impressed with the girls at Sunsera on 22nd St. W. in Saskatoon.

After our pampering morning, we had plans to go for lunch. I had been thinking of taking Sylvia to Capanna Pizzeria (always a favourite of mine), but since she's pregnant I figured I should ask where she would like to go (in case there was a super strong craving present lol). All she said was "somewhere cool." I know she meant somewhere with an awesome atmosphere, an amazing menu, and somewhere that isn't just the same old restaurant with a different name and a slightly different menu. I knew my original thought of Capanna Pizzeria was the perfect place.

Sylvia is living in a smaller city about an hour away from Saskatoon, so there aren't many new or different restaurants to experience there. She loves trying new and different places, though, so she really enjoyed Capanna!

The menu has changed a bit since I was last at Capanna Pizzeria, and it was even harder to make a decision! Everything sounds so tasty that I just want to try it all! The menu hasn't been updated online to include the pizza Sylvia ordered, but it had pickled onions, beets, peaches (I think?), arugula, and a lovely sauce. I went with the Calabrese Salami, Pickled Pepperoncini, and Provolone pizza. It is quite spicy and absolutely delicious!

After eating we walked back to the car, with a wander through Garden Architecture and bumping into a bubbly acquaintance first. From there we went home decor shopping and it was fun looking at baby and children's decor and dreaming up ways Sylvia could furnish the nursery.

As always, I absolutely recommend trying out Capanna Pizzeria! Have you tried out any unique restaurants lately? Any recommendations - especially in Saskatchewan? Hope to hear from you!


  1. Seems like you had a great time! The food looks delicious♥♥

  2. Sounds like a perfect girl's day. Nothing's better than great convo and awesome food! The pizza looks so delicious!

    Something About That

    1. It was absolutely delicious - it always is at Capanna!

  3. I could use a girl's day right about now! I think that very few things are more relaxing than that. Also, that pizza looks delish!!

    1. Girls days are so relaxing! They definitely fuel me!

  4. I haven't ate at any really good restaurants lately. I am going out of town over the weekend and hope to find some place great to try. The pizzas you had look amazing.

    1. I love visiting different places and finding new and interesting places to try - enjoy your time away!

  5. I wish I didnt live in South Carolina and could check that out! The food looks so good! (This is my first time on your blog and I am in love with your hair! So pretty!

    Love Always,

    1. Thank you! :) And even though I am not close to South Carolina at all, feel free to leave me suggestions of places to try that seem similar (or different too, actually!) - I have this huge dream to do a North American road trip and you can bet I'll be making my way to South Carolina if I ever manage it!!


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