Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Vancouver Comes to Saskatoon!

Wandering the University of Saskatchewan campus with Maria

While I was off gallivanting in Minot over the Remembrance Day long weekend, my friend Elizabeth made a trip to Saskatoon from Vancouver.  Fortunately I returned home the night before she was flying back home, so we managed to spend the afternoon together on the Monday.

Elizabeth is one of the many wonderful people that I met while spending summer 2012 in Halifax, NS.  We actually spent almost a week after Impact ended visiting PEI with another wonderful friend Maria.  Maria and I were the only two people from Saskatoon on the mission trip, and Maria and Elizabeth were in the same house for the summer.

(Check out this post where Elizabeth and I, along with some other friends, went down to the Halifax Harbour at sunrise!)

On Monday I picked Maria and Elizabeth up and we headed off to find a coffee shop that was open on the stat holiday.  We ended up making a pit stop at the University to give Elizabeth a bit of a tour (and to take photos, of course) before we actually made it to a coffee shop.  We took turns in the photos, there was absolutely no one else outside on campus (it was pretty cold, even for Saskatoon).

Elizabeth and Maria

Elizabeth and myself

Maria and myself - I know, the sun! 

Myself and Elizabeth at a very typical "U of S" spot. Can you tell who is a dancer?

It was nice wandering around campus again, even though it was quite cold. I haven't been a student since April 2012 and I have to admit, I miss it!  This beautiful campus is where I was fortunate enough to spend the majority of my days from September 2009 to April 2012.

Walking along the edge of the Bowl

When we were finally too cold to continue we made our way to City Perks, my favourite coffee shop in Saskatoon, only to find it too full to find a seat. So, we decided to head downtown and ended up grabbing some dinner at a restaurant on 2nd Ave.  There we were joined by Carissa, who recently moved to Saskatoon from Vancouver, and Veronica.  We all were a little too impressed by this clock, as evidenced by the many SnapChats (which I don't have) and my Instagram post.  It's pretty clever, don't you think?

It's Five O'Clock Somewhere - Photo by me

It came time for Elizabeth to make her way to the airport, but we all decided we wanted to see her off.  

Carissa, myself, Elizabeth, Veronica, Maria

Until we meet again! - Photo by me

I am so thankful to have been able to spend the day with Elizabeth and the other ladies.  Hopefully I will be able to see her again soon!

What do you like to do when a friend from another city comes to visit?

Note: All photos are from Elizabeth's phone unless otherwise noted.


  1. Looks like a fun day. Stay warm!

  2. Looks like so much fun! Great photos!

    Lauren Elizabeth
    Petite in Pearls

    1. Thanks! The bright blue skies made taking photos easy.

  3. Looks like you had an awesome time :)) Thanks so much for following my blog, I like yours as well and I followed you back :) Have a lovely weekend!

  4. super cute! glad your friend came to visit!

    1. Thanks! It's always great having friends visit!


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