Thursday, June 11, 2015

Heart Warming

I've been a little frazzled lately - too many things taking up space that seems to get smaller and smaller, but it's getting better :). Sorry for my absence, but as this blog is a hobby it's one of the first things to drop off when life gets to be a bit... much. 

I met up with my friend Maria for coffee on Tuesday evening and it was definitely what I needed. I love spending time with her whenever I get the chance, but Tuesday was especially great. There happened to be little macarons on the menu at City Perks, so of course I went for them for Maria and I to share. As you might recall, we had a bit of a tradition for awhile where we would go for cupcakes and coffee on Saturday mornings. This felt like a bit of a revival of sorts.

Macarons Maria Coffee City Perks

Maria Coffee Macarons City Perks

I have another post involving Maria coming soon, so stay tuned! There is a sneak peek over on my instagram.


  1. That coffee shop looks so adorable!! I love when they make the cool designs =]
    Yet another lovely post xoxo

    1. Thanks! It's definitely one of my favourite coffee shops in Saskatoon,


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