Monday, August 14, 2017

Why I've Been Away and Exciting News!

We're having a baby!  (Sorry for the quality of the photo - we don't really have a good pregnancy one together that's recent!)

I hope to come back soon with a bunch of new posts, but I'm not totally sure when that will be. Even so, I wanted to officially let you know. If you're following my Instagram account you would have heard this news already (if you're not following me, you should! I'm still kind of active there).

A bit of info:
- Baby is due at the end of November.
- We're not finding out if it's a boy or a girl.
- I'm feeling good now, but first trimester wasn't the greatest.
- We're moving soon! So no baby room yet.

Hope to be back soon! Any tips, tricks, or recommendations you have to share, I'm all ears!


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